a:care is Abbott's online healthcare portal that fosters effective communication and collaboration between doctors and patients, promoting better health outcomes. a wide range of health resources and tools to help manage health more effectively and enjoyably, fostering a supportive and cohesive approach to well-being.
Service Rendered
UI Design
The UX Challenge
Head of Abbott’s pharmaceutical business in India says "This is a transformational time in healthcare". We’re seeing increased chronic disease and rapidly growing populations in the country, and the need for technology-based services that help people manage these health challenges has never been greater. a:care is an important part of Abbott’s mission to help people live healthier lives."
The End Goal
Comprehensive Health Information and Services Hub:
To provide a broad variety of health information and services to support people as they try to achieve better health.
Bridge communication between doctors and consumers:
Bringing them together to ensure a supportive, cohesive approach to managing health.
Bridge communication between patients and doctors across multiple therapy areas. The platform has to support people with a broad range of healthcare needs, from prevention to awareness, adherence to treatment and motivation.
For instance, using the platform, a doctor can get access to the latest science, medical education and patient support services, and consumers can access educational health information or participate in motivational points-based program to help them adhere to treatments prescribed by their doctor.
The Solution
📱Simple interface for patients:
Designed the a:care App keeping the main aim of Abbott in mind which is to help users live more fully at all stages of life. Hence, the interface would have to be simple to use for any age group with a medical condition. It adheres to the Abbott brand guidelines.
ℹ️ Personalized content:
For Patients, they have to log in to the dashboard of personalized content, including articles, videos, quizzes, daily tips, and reminders to take their daily medication. Win rewards for their participation and for taking their medication as prescribed by their doctor. a:care will empower them to take control of their health
For Doctors, they have to sign up to receive medical news and articles. Get access to a personalized dashboard with videos from key opinion leaders in their specialty, provided with quick access to treatment guidelines, and connect them with their patients.
For pharmacists, they have to sign up to benefit from articles and e-learning videos to improve thier patient management skills.
UI Design
This App is built for patients, in accordance with the Abbott brand guidelines in terms of colour, typograpy and iconography style. The design of this App also had to be in sync with the existing a:care App for doctors.
The Dashboard starts with an interesting tracker feature that asks patients about how they are feeling presently in order to track their health. This ‘feel log’ can make the patients more self aware and also motivate them to improve their health condition.
The feel log can have these possible outcomes on a scale of 5, which would then lead to a motivating pop-up message:
The Dashboard has a widget which will ask the patients if they have taken their medication. This serves as a reminder for patients who have entered their medication details and have set a reminder during or after the onboarding process.
The score card is a gamification feature to peak the patient’s interest and keep them motivated. They can track how far they have come. They earn points based on every task they complete. For instance, if they take medications on time according to the reminders set or exercise regularly etc.
Today’s tip is like a useful piece of advice for patients, which they can keep in mind to better their health.
The Quiz or Survey section is an entry point for the patients to take those quizzes asking basic questions related to their health conditions. The purpose of it is for them to become more aware and inform themselves about their specific conditions.
The Articles section is also to educate the patients. The articles are all about the latest developments that have taken place and the necessary steps to be taken in order to improve their lifestyle.
This is followed by the Exercise section which prompt the users to start their workout which is recommended according to their health condition.
The Dashboard also features a graph about the patients progress which is based on how they feel and the number of exercises they have completed in order to live a healthy lifestyle and have better health outcomes.
Health conditions
Each of the health conditions have their own landing page which has a lot of content to give the patients an in-depth knowledge about it.
Once the patient has added all the details about their medication and set a pill reminder, on the landing page they can see a medication score card which even showcases the points earned and how many times have they skipped their medication. This can be viewed by month or by week. They can even see the date on which they have to refill their medication.
The App gives recommendations based on the patient’s health conditions for them to exercise in order to improve their condition and maintain a healthy lifestyle.